On October 28, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez jointly inaugurated the C-295 military aircraft facility at Vadodara in the Indian state of Gujarat.
On October 25, American musician and songwriter Phil Lesh died surrounded by loved ones. The former bassist and vocalist of rock band Grateful Dead was 84. His family announced his death via Instagram, with no cause given.
On October 23, hundreds of unionized workers of an Australian airline, Qantas, went on strike. The Melbourne and Brisbane airports were affected as many engineers did not work for 24 hours.
On October 20, New Zealand won the 2024 ICC Women's T20 World Cup, defeating South Africa by 32 runs in the tournament's final at the Dubai International Cricket Stadium.
On October 15, 2024, a spokesperson for the Federal Court of Australia stated that neither the court nor Judge Michael Lee, who presided over the Bruce Lehrmann defamation trial concluded in April, had any involvement in a book written about Lee's judgement.
Early Sunday morning, a shooting in Akron, Ohio, left one person dead and twenty four others wounded. Bullet casings and two guns were found at the scene, police said. The police received many emergency phone calls about the shooting, which happened during a birthday party shortly after midnight.
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